Accessing the Superconscious: Rise Up Towards Better Health


In the handbook, "The Caduceus Solution" we address accessing the superconscious as a great aid in nurturing health. The concept of the superconscious is an old idea, and much has been written on it by yogis as well as psychologists. 

Simply put, it recognizes that you have access to a part of your mind that is above what you are normally conscious of. Sometimes referred to as the higher mind, it is always seen positively and is often referred to as the source of light and peace.

This book explains ways to easily access the superconscious and explains how that can affect your physical health. It will also have the effect of changing your consciousness on what really keeps you healthy.

You can consciously cultivate a more peaceful state of mind about your body and approaches to staying healthy. 

This short and powerful read is available at:


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