
Showing posts from 2015

Excerpt from a Healthy Handbook

This book takes a very different angle towards maintaining health. Its way costs you nothing, and presents to you ideas you may have never considered! Here is an excerpt from the Introduction to the book, “The Caduceus Solution, The Simple Secret to Lifelong Wellness": "Imagine what it would be like to have no health concerns at all for the rest of your life . Most likely, nothing you have learned before would make this seem possible to you. There is a way! These pages are dedicated to setting you on a path of health for the rest of your life. While the approach and method are psychological, the results are physical." The psychological approach is about using your mind wisely. For more info or to purchase this book, please visit these sites: "The Caduceus Solution" at "The Caduceus Solution at Barnes and Noble"  

On Peacefulness for Health

Peacefulness is not the same as sobriety or resignation. It’s very comfortable, appreciative and gentle. It is well-being and will affect your physical health, if you allow that. It's not only an emotion but highly reasonable with positive effects. The short book, "The Caduceus Solution" shows you how to begin to develop your reason and decision making so that your state of mind becomes more peaceful and confident. This book's emphasis is on physical health but the ideas contained within it can affect all areas of your life in the happiest way.  For more info or to purchase this book, click below: More on "The Caduceus Solution" at   "The Caduceus Solution" at Barnes and Noble online  

An Amazon review for "The Caduceus Solution, The Simple Secret to Lifelong Wellness"

Authors must believe in their books and readers will let them know if their writings are worthwhile. The following is from a review on Amazon: "This simple yet precise book can be life changing for those who read it and take it to heart. It is very easy to read and the messages are very clear.She talks about life being a continual learning process; training your mind in a way that encourages the growth of your spiritual nature in gentle, joyous and peaceful ways. I loved it and have already shared it with others!!" "The Caduceus Solution" on "The Caduceus Solution" at Barnes and Noble online  

About the Book, "The Caduceus Solution, The Simple Secret to Lifelong Wellness"

Ideas on what is healthy, and what is not, have changed over the centuries. F or most of my life, I never would have guessed how powerful, certain ways of thinking could affect your health. I had no idea that thoughts and beliefs that I held about my self and others could be changed in such a way that made me healthier.  I thought health was mainly a physical matter that focused on care of the body. I had believed that a strong emphasis on exercise, diet and medications were the prescription for health. Then one day, I decided to become healthier than I was, at that time, and I was led in a different way. Health maintenance took on a different form and health and well-being grew. "The Caduceus Solution" presents a theory that I accepted and applied. Increased health was was the result and I was able to facilitate healing in others. There are several of these experiences written about in the book. T he ideas and simple methods are laid out in this short

Healthy, Constructive activity

My Dad often said to me, when I was getting into some sort of mischief, that I needed something constructive to do. He always had good advice although what he was not aware of at the time was, that doing something constructive is even healthier for you, than counting calories.  The reasoning behind this is that when you are doing something constructive or positive, you are using your body in a healthy way and focused on something other than your body. We believe that what you use your body for is far more likely to affect your health, than what you eat. And those who are less anxious about what they eat, will learn to eat enough and when satisfied, stop eating. This is an easy and peaceful habit to learn. We've seen it work! the healthy handbook, The Caduceus Solution at   The Caduceus Solution at Barnes and Noble online    

Cultivating Healthy Qualities

The saying “As you sow, so shall you reap”, really means, what you consider worth cultivating, you will cultivate in yourself and not as a statement in any way justifying punishment or retribution. –The Caduceus Solution (a CreateSpace book) We’ve found developing truly friendly qualities not only contributes to one's well-being but to physical healthiness as well. "T he Caduceus Solution" advocates practicing forgiveness as the means to maintaining health and explains the reasoning for making such a claim.    More on The Caduceus Solution at The Caduceus Solution at Barnes and Noble online  

A Book Review of "The Caduceus Solution, the Simple Secret to Lifelong Wellness"

An email from one of our readers: "We really appreciate that you shared with us your wonderful book, “The Caduceus Solution.” We highly recommend it! You have presented important truths for lifelong wellness in a very easy to understand way… We are circulating your book and it will be part of ABC library. Please let us know where people should go to buy their own copy of it. We would recommend that it be part of a public library and university library collection so that it will be more available. Thanks again ...... for your excellent book! " "The Caduceus Solution, The Simple Secret to Lifelong Wellness" is a powerful short read that will have you examine your health beliefs. It points towards a simple way to keep your mind worry-free,  and more peaceful. It claims both health and sickness have a purpose and that you can produce more satisfying experiences in your life and good health.      For more info or to purchase the book, visit these

Holy Healthiness, Batkid!

      Today, I came upon an inspiring article and corresponding YouTube video, both linked below. These are about a young child that was diagnosed with a serious illness. Make-A-Wish Foundation made his wish to become Batkid, come true. It was an extraordinary effort by many and it appeared that there was a lot of enthusiasm generated, for all concerned. Any joining-in with others for a helpful purpose can affect one's health, in the best way. The unity that is experienced in an enjoyable, harmless and helpful project like this is so good for you! This article was written two years after the Batman event was over. The young boy has no symptoms of disease today! The book, "The Caduceus Solution, The Simple Secret to Lifelong Wellness", examines how the symbol of the caduceus itself, points to the healthiness of unity and joy as a major aid in maintaining and restoring health.      Article on Batkid becoming Healthier         Ho ly Healthiness Batkid Video on YouTube    

One of the Very Best Healing Therapies

There is no better pursuit, that will add to add to your health and happiness, than learning all that it means to be a good and loving friend. It is the highest aspect of life learning. And should become the most enjoyable. Many religions have recognized this as one of the highest self-concepts worth developing. Of course, you do not have to be religious at all to become a good and loving friend. Science has recognized that developing a peaceful mind is beneficial to health. I do not know how many studies have been made on happier people and their state of health. I have seen when someone lets go of their fears, anger and guilt, resolving conflict in their mind, it has improved their health, including recovering from what was considered a terminal illness.  There is a relationship between your health and happier relationships. I reference some books on these ideas in the "Caduceus Solution, The Simple Secret to Lifelong Wellness."  You just might question every i

How Much does Diet and Exercise Affect your Health?

Almost everyone would agree, that a garden-fresh salad is healthy for you. And it is. Of course you must eat, but is appreciation for your food even healthier for you, than the food itself ? Is a regular exercise regimen best for a healthy body?     Even long-held beliefs should be questioned from time to time, if you are struggling to stay healthy.   Last night, TV host, Jimmy Kimmel had actor, Jack Black, on his show. They were conversing about  organized sports. Kimmel got a huge laugh after asking Black, “Are you an exercise guy?” Black said, yes, he is an exercise guy although maybe not in the classic sense. He says he’s made peace with not losing weight and believes there are ways to be healthy and fat. In fact, he said, he’s got a book in the works.   With that attitude, Jack should stay healthier.   The short and powerful book, "The Caduceus Solution, The Simple Secret to Lifelong Wellness" takes a look at conventional diet and exercise ideas and ques

Restoring Health

"I am excited by what I've read. The concepts presented here have simplicity and highness, offering practical ways to positively shift, even transform our thinking process...... from an Amazon review Something happened today. It reminded me of the healthy benefits that disciplining our minds can have. In other words, learning how to consciously work with certain thoughts that can affect our peace of mind and health. I saw a friend of mine who had recovered from, what could have been, a debilitating diagnosis that was given him a few months ago. He refused to accept it and decided to get healthier. I was especially delighted to see how gracious he was to all those around him, who have assisted in the process. Such a healthy attitude! "The Caduceus Solution" gives you a firm foundation for restoring and keeping your health. The ideas presented in the book are focused on ideas and beliefs rather than any physical treatments such as diet, exercise or med

A Good Night's Rest for Well-Being

"This succinct book really shows me the quiet power in simplicity. Its ability to calm an agitated mind is helpful and lasting. Often I read a passage or two before retiring for the evening and my sleeping hours always benefit. The ideas expressed are creating a wonderful feeling of peace. I am thankful for this book."  from an Amazon review Many have struggled with sleepless nights and many remedies have been prescribed. This is one of the well-being issues we address in the book. It was an amazing relief to find out that I could be taught how to set my mind in a pattern of rest before sleeping. You really can take control over your state of mind and what you allow your mind to think. What a healthy benefit to get a good nights sleep! The book, "The Caduceus Solution, The Simple Secret to Lifelong Wellness" shows you how to you can use your mind and question your thoughts for better healthiness! For more information or to purchase the book, see

Peace Affects your Health, Stress Does Not Have to

Someone I know remarked that stress was one of the unhealthiest things for you. That thought needed a closer look.  Although it is true that peace contributes to your health, it does not follow that stress or fear has to affect your health negatively. And that idea can, if accepted, add to your peace of mind right now! "The Caduceus Solution" examines some core beliefs, in the light of another reason, that will help you dispel many fears related to health issues. This book gives you all the resources you need that will set you on a path that is conducive to developing a natural comfort and peace that really will keep you healthy and eliminate unnecessary concerns from your life.   For more information or to purchase this powerful, short read, please see the book on these sites: The Caduceus Solution at Barnes and Noble online   The Caduceus Solution at  

"Love Reverses Physical Laws"

  "Love reverses physical laws" --Anonymous I was reminded of this today when I saw my neighbor who was recently dealing with some health issues. She looked radiant today! This quote is not as strange as it may seem to be at first; you've probably seen it in action. Many of us have seen someone that we thought looked terrible and declining in health. And yet, when they regained their health, they appeared as healthy as ever, sometimes much healthier.  The book, "The Caduceus Solution, the Simple Secret to Lifelong Wellness" takes a deeper dive into how one's calmer thinking and loving thoughts can be a powerful contributor to physical health. This short read contains many ideas on how to achieve and maintain this. Your mind is a beautiful resouce!     You just might question every idea you've had about what really keeps you healthy.   For more info or to purchase the book, visit these sites: "The Caduceus Solution, The S

Concern about a Friend's Prognosis

Today, I saw a woman who was concerned about her friend's prognosis. I was able to encourage her into a more hopeful state of mind by helping her realize she could not know the future. There were many records of people recovering from that specific illness. (Update: her friend is doing well.) I do believe we were meant to stay healthy for life.  I could never have guessed, until I learned it, how powerful some ways of thinking can be in affecting your health. Ideas you hold about about yourself, ideas about others, and even your own health beliefs can all be reconsidered. Take a look at what I learned and the results that followed. They are in a short book.   Discover the free resources you have right now for ultimate health. Click below to see more or purchase this book online:   " The Caduceus Solution" book at Amazon  The book at Barnes and Noble online   *

Becoming Healthier

This healthy handbook has some eye-opening ideas about the source of physical health and contains several real-life stories of dramatic changes in peoples lives. I was reminded of that today, when I spoke with a friend who was given a rather dire diagnosis a few weeks ago. He's just about to resume normal life again! I never put limits on what anyone can overcome. Such a wonderful thing to see!   You just might question every idea you've had about what really keeps you healthy.   For more info or to purchase the book, visit these sites: "The Caduceus Solution, The Simple Secret to Lifelong Wellness"  at Amazon "The Caduceus Solution" at Barnes & Noble online Di scover the free resources you have with you right now for optimum health.

Hopefulness Instead of Worry for a Possible Health Concern

“ This book is for those who want to expand their point of view about health and wellness, about how to become and stay healthful and joyous. It is both informative and practical. ”   --an Amazon review Today, while visiting a friend, I watched her two-year old girl come in to the house after getting out with her Grandpa to walk their dogs. When she came in, she got down on her hands and knees and took a drink out of the dog's water bowl!  Really! How wonderful it was, to laugh in amazement and have no health concerns for her. Thanks to the perspective gained from this book's instruction, I could react like that, with confidence. Of course, she will outgrow such behavior, but Grandpa's gentle guidance away from the dog's bowl and towards a glass a water, will help her immune system much more than concern about what she drank or scolding the child. **An update: I spoke with Grandpa a few days later and the young girl was perfectly healthy and happy

Sourcing your Peace, for Health

The quote above implies that you do have peace in your mind, right now. It's something you always have and can learn how to access thoughts that bring peace and apply them in your life. This can increase the state of your health.  The healthy handbook, "The Caduceus Solution, The Simple Secret to Lifelong Wellness", gets you started in that direction. It will help you clear your mind of conflict and examine and question health beliefs that you may have. Peace of mind can dispel health worries. Peace of mind helps you stay physically healthy. Today I received a letter from a new reader who teaches 'Mind and Body' courses. He had this to say about the book: "It is a very helpful read as to creating and maintaining good health."  Thank you, Mike! For more info or to purchase this book, please visit these sites: "The Caduceus Solution" at Amazon   "The Caduceus Solution" at Barnes and Noble online  

Deciding with Others for Peaceful Outcomes is Literally Healthy for You

Today, my brother was quite upset with a friend whom he thought, might be headed for trouble. After thinking about this with me for a few moments, he decided that he would trust his friend to do what is best. United minds can come up with happier decisions. It's very much like the old saying, "Two heads are better than one". This decision dispelled his worries and restored his sense of being in unity and harmony with his friend instead of remaining conflicted about him. We both decided to trust that this friend would make a good decision. A peaceful state of mind is conducive not only to good mental health but happier results. His friend avoided the troubling outcome that my brother was fearing. Letting go of any fears about yourself or others, and replacing them with a trusting resolve, sets your mind in a way that can even affect your physical health.  This book discusses, among other thoughtful ideas, how you can exchange your fearful thoughts for effectiv

Lowering Blood Pressure, Naturally

I got a call from a friend of mine who felt that he was well enough to discontinue taking his blood pressure medicine. He checked with his doctor and got the ok to stop taking it, as long as he monitors himself to make sure he's in line with, what is considered a healthy range.  He's delighted to report that everything's been great for weeks! I t's becoming more and more recognized that what you use your body for, and developing your mind's wealthy peaceful center makes a tremendous difference in achieving and maintaining a healthy state. From that state, it becomes a lot easier to make decisions about what to decide to do and how to respond to others in a way that increases the happiness of all.  The short but powerful read, "The Caduceus Solution, The Simple Secret to Lifelong Wellness" will let you in on just how to achieve and maintain a peaceful mindset in a way that affects your health in a positive way.  This is from his note to me toda

A Healthy Realization

I heard from a friendly reader today, who found our book very helpful in her life. As the authors discovered, what causes health also causes a happy life. This book takes a very thorough look at the purpose and cause of health. Thankfully, Nancy completely understood that, right after she finished reading our handbook and wrote this: " Really enjoyed reading it, fit perfectly into what I needed at the time of reading and probably will always fit with the current challenges, whatever they are." This short and powerful read just might have you question every idea you've had about what really keeps you healthy.   For more info or to purchase the book, see the book on these sites: "The Caduceus Solution, The Simple Secret to Lifelong Wellness"  at Amazon "The Caduceus Solution" at Barnes & Noble online  

A Healthy View

I am enjoying a peaceful snow day at the beginning of March. The sky was so deep blue early this morning and the snow sparkled in the sun when I went outside to feed the wild birds. They were awaiting me, and it was wonderful to see how beautiful and healthy they are even though the temps were abnormally low.  I felt comfortable, appreciative and had no concerns about my health or the birds because of what I learned and wrote about in "The Caduceus Solution, The Simple Secret to Lifelong Wellness".    The authors of this book believe that your state of mind, and your ability to appreciate affect your health.  The book focuses on how your thoughts, beliefs and purpose all contribute to your health.   For more info or to purchase this book, please visit these sites:    The Caduceus Solution on       "The Caduceus Solution" at Barnes & Noble online