Deciding with Others for Peaceful Outcomes is Literally Healthy for You

Today, my brother was quite upset with a friend whom he thought, might be headed for trouble. After thinking about this with me for a few moments, he decided that he would trust his friend to do what is best. United minds can come up with happier decisions. It's very much like the old saying, "Two heads are better than one".

This decision dispelled his worries and restored his sense of being in unity and harmony with his friend instead of remaining conflicted about him. We both decided to trust that this friend would make a good decision. A peaceful state of mind is conducive not only to good mental health but happier results.

His friend avoided the troubling outcome that my brother was fearing. Letting go of any fears about yourself or others, and replacing them with a trusting resolve, sets your mind in a way that can even affect your physical health. 

This book discusses, among other thoughtful ideas, how you can exchange your fearful thoughts for effective peaceful thinking. For more info or to purchase the book, visit these sites:


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